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We are using Swagger to expose all the APIs that is supported by the Ripple-QEWD middletier

The Swagger UI is crafted so it is part of the standard install process

The url should be of the style DomainNameOrIPaddress/swagger-ui/dist/

For demo purposes you can currently explore http://showcase.ripple.foundation/swagger-ui/dist/

NB Please read the section below about authentication so you can easily use our Swagger APIs.

Note that to help educate you in the Ripple stack, we follow the pattern the application follows, which involves an authentication step.

There are several steps to using our Swagger APIs as outlined here

Click the GET/api/initialise area to start

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Click Try it Out

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Click Execute

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Copy the Response Body / token

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Click Authorize

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Insert secure token

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Click Authorise

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Authorized appears

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You will now see secure APIs and you can proceed to use the rest of the APIs

eg GET /api/patients/{patientId}/allergies

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Click Try It Out

Patient ID for Demo is 9999999000

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Click Execute

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etc etc